Time for a refreshing treat!

As I've said before, eating "irregular" meals is a very important factor in a successful diet. So this is the first "guilty" recipe I'm giving you to make at home. Compare the calories a "regular" ice cream gives you to this one. And you know what? It's not just that. If someone handed it to you to eat, you wouldn't think it was low-calorie ice cream. You have to taste it to understand, words are not enough. It's so good that it easily rivals commercial ice cream.

Here are 3 variations of the same recipe: One with a rich vanilla flavor, one with a regular vanilla flavor and one with a chocolate flavor. I also list the extra steps to follow if you want to add extra ingredients into the ice cream. Oreos, strawberries and cherries are tried and true and take the flavor to incredible levels. Note that in this case, you'll need to follow the recipe that gives the regular flavor as a base and obviously you'll need to add these ingredients to the calories.

Important note: I am NOT paid by any company and have no desire to advertise, but the recipe is tried and tested with these ingredients. If you replace the milk with another type of milk, for example, the taste, calories, proportions of the other ingredients, and the time it takes to get the mixture right will change. 


For the ice cream with the rich taste you will need:

1 Garni sachet with vanilla flavour -> 506KCal / 0.90 euro
275ml Alpro Roasted Almond Beverage Roasted Almond, unsweetened -> 36KCal / 0.814 euro
250ml Regilait Milk Skim Milk Powder -> 306KCal / 1.0472 euro
125ml Sucra Line Painter -> 56.4KCal / 0.56 euro (note that this supplier has the description wrong, Sucra Line is with sucralose, not stevia)
40g Vitamins Soft Light -> 140 KCal / 0.2048 euro
2 teaspoons vanilla extract -> 23 KCal / 1.72 euro

Total: Less than 1070KCal/1.5 litre! In short, a normal 50ml ball is less than 36 calories while a hearty, large 100ml ball is 72 calories!

Cost? Just under 5 euros and 25 cents for 1.5 litres of the nicest and least fattening homemade ice cream you can find anywhere.

For the ice cream with the normal taste you will need:

1 Garni sachet with vanilla flavour -> 506KCal / 0.90 euro
275ml Alpro Roasted Almond Beverage Roasted Almond, unsweetened -> 36KCal / 0.814 euro
250ml Regilait Milk Skim Milk Powder -> 306KCal / 1.0472 euro
125ml Sucra Line Painter -> 56.4KCal / 0.56 euro (note that this supplier has the description wrong, Sucra Line is with sucralose, not stevia)
30g Vitamins Soft Light -> 105KCal / 0.1536 euro
½ teaspoon vanilla extract -> 5.75 KCal / 0.43 euro

Total: Less than 1020KCal/1.5 litre! In short, a small 50ml ball is 34 calories while a hearty, large 100ml ball is 68 calories!

Cost? Just under 3 euros and 91 cents for 1.5 litres of the nicest and least fattening homemade ice cream you can find anywhere.

For chocolate flavor, use the ingredients for the regular ice cream flavor, substituting the vanilla-flavored Garni with the cocoa-flavored Garni:

1 Garni sachet with cocoa flavor -> 482KCal / 1.185 euro
275ml Alpro Roasted Almond Beverage Roasted Almond, unsweetened -> 36KCal / 0.814 euro
250ml Regilait Milk Skim Milk Powder -> 306KCal / 1.0472 euro
125ml Sucra Line Painter -> 56.4KCal / 0.56 euro (note that this supplier has the description wrong, Sucra Line is with sucralose, not stevia)
30g Vitamins Soft Light -> 105KCal / 0.1536 euro
½ teaspoon vanilla extract -> 5.75 KCal / 0.43 euro

Total: Less than 1000 KCal/1.5 litre! In short, a small 50ml ball is less than 34 calories while a hearty, large 100ml ball is less than 67 calories!

Cost? Just under 4 euros and 20 cents for 1.5 litres of the nicest and least fattening homemade ice cream you can find anywhere.

Preparation instructions:

  • Pour one Garni sachet and add 275ml of Alpro Roasted Almond Beverage, unsweetened in a mixer. Blend on low to medium speed for 10 minutes, until homogeneous and the lumps are gone. If you've done everything right, you'll notice the mixture slowly bubbles up.
  • Pour the mixture into a bowl, uncovered, and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes.
  • Bring 70ml of water to a boil.
  • Melt the amount of Vitam Soft Light, depending on whether you want the ice cream rich in flavor (40gr) or normal (30gr).
  • Take 250ml Regilait Milk Skim Powder and add the boiling water, melted butter, 125ml Sucra Line Painter and the amount of vanilla extract, depending on whether you want the ice cream rich in flavor (2 teaspoons) or regular (half a teaspoon) and pour them into a mixer. Beat on low to medium speed for 4-5 minutes.
  • Remove the Garni mixture from the refrigerator and pour it into the Regilait mixture. Again, beat in an electric mixer on low to medium speed for 10 minutes. If you've done everything right, you'll notice the ice cream slowly puffs up and will continue to do so until the mixture is around 1.5 liters, maybe more.
  • Cover it with a lid, put it in the freezer and let it freeze for as many hours as it needs (10 hours+).

For making the ice cream with extra ingredients:

  • You don't need too much material. 7 Oreos (+371KCal total or 12.5KCal per 50ml) or 14 chopped cherries (+70KCal total or 2.5KCal per 50ml) are enough and enough.
  • Follow the recipe for the normal flavor but at the end, instead of putting the ice cream in the freezer, put it in the fridge for exactly 10 minutes to set.
  • After removing it from the refrigerator, gradually add the extra ingredients you want to the ice cream, stirring carefully with a spatula or spoon until the pieces are evenly distributed throughout the ice cream, both in width and depth.
  • Cover it with a lid, put it in the freezer and let it freeze for as many hours as it needs (10 hours+).

Before serving, leave it outside for 5-10 minutes so that it is soft and the texture is smooth.

I want you to leave me feedback with your impressions!

This video features the song "Whatdafunk?" by, licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 unported license.

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Author: Nick Krontiris

Founder, Suprastratum


  1. I made it with oreos (just the cookie, I removed the cream from the inside). I also dipped them in almond milk because I didn't want them to be chrunchy chrunchy, and as this is the first dessert I've made, I wasn't sure if they needed it, or if they would absorb moisture anyway. Compared to the Nirvana Cookies I loved, I didn't notice any difference! The texture isn't as perfect as the industrial ones, but I personally didn't mind at all. It overcame my need for dessert/ice cream.

    Thanks for the recipe, which was the reason to buy a mixer and start experimenting with homemade!

    1. My Olga, be well. I'm glad you liked it. The only thing it has to envy about industrial is the texture because

      α) It is homemade and so it does not have the additives that the big companies put in for this purpose and
      b) To make it as easy as possible, I avoided the ice cream maker, which is an extra expense and few of us have one anyway

      So I'm very pleased that you liked the texture.
      Just out of curiosity, did you measure approximately how much it came out to? It usually comes out to more than 1.5lt, but I took the worst case scenario in the description.

      1. I think it was a little under 1.5, but maybe it was my fault. I didn't measure out the ingredients very accurately. Also, when whisking, my machine didn't quite reach the bottom of the container to get the mixture to hit the bottom of the container, so I stopped and mixed with a spoon as well. So maybe I lost some volume there too, maybe it needed extra beating.


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